Caffeine Institute

Boost your career with our innovative study materials and clinical practices.

By becoming the professional your patients deserve, you join a global community of 70,000 satisfied customers worldwide.

Explore with us and achieve excellence in your field!

Neurological Examination

Accurate Medical Diagnosis

Monitoring Hemodynamics

Guide to analyze ECG's / EKG's

Mechanical Ventilation

Guide to Vitamins Supplement

Pathology Summaries

Clinical Nutrition

Lab Tests Analysis

Trust our work!
+ 1 k customers

Study materials designed and created for you!​

Otimize seus estudos e transforme sua atuação profissional

Our Company

The Coffee Roasting Institute is a school for healthcare professionals. We have over 45,000 students in Brazil and worldwide. Our mission is to remove barriers between knowledge and you by providing guides for your studies and professional practices.


Centro Empresarial Shopping Rio Poty Torre 1 – Teresina, Piauí, Brasil.




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Você tem direito a uma garantia de 7 dias ao ingressar na nossa plataforma. Se por algum motivo (qualquer que seja) você resolver que o Manual não é para você, devolvemos integralmente o seu dinheiro investido. 

Nós já temos mais de 40000 alunos satisfeitos com os nossos cursos e materiais! Esperamos que você goste  também!

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